Traditional living has faded out over the years. It was always a small part of my farm life growing up, but not as prevalent as the city girl in me. I learned minor amounts of tradition, canning, simple living and farming but didn’t live the lifestyle. Until years ago when I moved to a small city. Now the traditional simple lifestyle is all I know. Maybe you are in this same boat. Maybe you with you knew more about this way of living, or are ready to take the leap in that direction. If so, keep reading to hear my five key changes to make to live a more traditional lifestyle!
Here is 5 ways that I changed my lifestyle to be more traditional:
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1.) Read More Quality Books
Once I started reading older books, theological books, books with a quality story- it’s like I could feel my intellect growing. And along with that, you learn so many new skills, words from your language, you deepen your beliefs, and so much more. Reading more books from wise, thoughtful, advanced authors of old grew me and continues to every day. Doing this will teach you so much, bring you back to the basics of living in the past. Traditional classics will add to your life, skills, and imagination.
A few of my favorites are: Humility and Absolute Surrender by Andrew Murray, The Secret Garden, Huckleberry Finn, To Kill a Mocking Bird, Great Expectations, Pride & Prejudice, Moby Dick, any educational book on nature (scroll for some good ones) and (of course) The Bible.
2.) Bake Your Own Bread and Goods:
Another small way I sought after a more traditional lifestyle was by baking my own goods. I began baking my own goods almost three years ago and can now tweak recipes to make them my own, make my own icing without reading how to, I can bake delicious bread that is better than store bought. The list goes on. Learning to bake your own food from scratch adds so much to your life resume, and can save you in hard times. All you have is salt, water, and flour? In five hours that could be an amazing loaf of bread. (subscribe to our newsletter for recipes)
Just know there is appliances like bread makers out there to help you too! I have one and love it. Using a machine is still hardcore, guarantees a good bread and also saves you a lot of time. There is also many good books on bread making and this is my favorite recipe book at the moment (has been for years)!
Check out this blog post on making homemade applesauce:
3.) Grow Your Own Plants From Seed, Grow a Garden:
The next point I would urge anyone seeking traditional lifestyle changes to do is to grow your own plants from seed. I mean: plants, trees, vegetables, everything. You won’t see the fruit of it all within a reasonable timeline, but it will teach you so much in patience and prolonged reward after hard work and intentionality. The life lessons you can learn from God when you plant an apple seed and watch it grow is profound. Watch it struggle, leaf, change, and strive for ten years before fruit, this will teach you biblical lessons. But no matter how long or short the time period is before the produce, traditional life is grown in gardens. But I don’t just recommend the long wait seedlings. Plant a vegetable garden every summer and berry bushes, do it all!
4.) Wake up Early Every Day:
Once I had worked a 9-5 job for two years and quit to open my own business, my body naturally woke me up at the same time as I did for my 9-5. I let this play out and began setting my alarm to ensure I continued to wale up at that time. Waking up with the sun or shortly after to get started on your day, to get to work, to have a morning routine, to allow more time to get things done so you can slow down is so beautiful.
This is also extremely traditional. In modern day we tend to sleep in more than past generations. We work less and use less of our daylight time being productive and proactive. I love waking up early so I can use my time wisely, slow down to finish tasks because I have more time, and simply wakes up early feels so much better than sleeping in even if you sit in your bed on your phone the first hour.
5.) Read Your Bible, Study God’s Word, Do Bible Studies:
The very last one is also seen as more traditional or old fashioned. Reading your Bible everyday. Not many people do this in our modern world. But the difference it makes in your life is incredible. It enhances your quality of life and everything you choose to do in your life. It brings more meaning and depth to traditional living. Wise living as the Proverbs would even call it. This is a must to wise, traditional, smart, hard working, quality living.
Here is a few favorite studies: Gracelaced or the true study Truthfilled, Even If, and Let the Journey Begin.
This was my five points on traditional living, things you can start doing to live a more traditional life!
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