In this crazy world- full of busy schedules, expensive living costs, major societal problems and standards, and political unrest- so many are turning to simpler and more traditional lifestyles. It’s exactly what I did four years ago- and continue to choose into every day. The ease, slowness and peace that comes when you unplug from the crazy highs of the modern day- your soul takes a deep breath. If this sounds like something you want, keep reading. This is five simple living tips and lifestyle changes!

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Simple Living tips for those ready to go against the busy current of the modern day.
Let’s get right into these tips! Things I have begun implementing at different stages of my journey towards simple living. After years- these are the five tips I have for all people beginning this same lifestyle!
1.) Declutter Your Home
My first tip is to begin decluttering your space. Your house is the place that should allow peace and relaxation into every moment spent there. Having too much of anything can (and will) add stress and constant work. We want our time at home to be void of work, void of stress, void of mess in all the ways we can control. This means:
- Declutter your closets
- Get rid of books you don’t read
- Clutter in the refrigerator and expired foods you don’t eat from the pantry
- Beds that aren’t made
- Any item that doesn’t have a place
Literally anything you can think of, the first step is to declutter, donate, trash, get rid of. Leading me into my next point.
2.) Organize Your Home
AKA eveRy item has a home within Your home
My next step is to make sure that (as hinted to before) each item you own has a purpose and a place. Having too many shoes that over take the entry space- not good. Paperwork that stakes out on the dining table- not good. Make sure that every book, every toy, every clothing item, all that you own is purposeful and has a spot it belongs in your home. This makes it so much easier to keep clean and organized. Easier to keep up- when you use an item you know where we’re it goes back. This eliminates so much stress and brain power allowing for that deep breath I mentioned before.
After completing the first and starting the second tip here the best thing you can do is order organization and storage containers for all areas of your house- so every item has a home, a place that it belongs. Storage bins and organization devices make it organized as well. Check out the different storage and organization items on Amazon here.
“and to aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands, as we instructed you,”
1 Thessalonians 4:11 ESV
3.) Limit Screen Time
AS it relates to all Senses
Screen time is a large way in which we overwhelm ourselves. Socially, emotionally, as it relates to work, and societal standards. It also effects multiple of our senses at one time.
Often we listen to TV while scrolling social media. We stare into the brightness of our electrical devices and play music or watch reels and TikTok’s for hours a day. We hold our phones and type on our computers until our neck hurts or shoulders get tight. This causes over stimulation which causes overwhelm. This is the opposite of living simply. My favorite tip and the oneI need to care more about implementing is this one for sure!
4.) Create Simple Routines
We all need routine to live simply, but if you really want to have a simpler lifestyle keep simpler routines.
I have two blog posts so far on they type of simple routine I am talking about.
Even since I wrote these two posts I have changed and simplified these two routines as well. I deleted makeup and major hair routines from my schedule which means I get to sleep in by an hour or more each day- or wake up at the same time and get actual work done or allow for less stress when it comes to getting ready. I changed jobs, I changed my shower routine and make sure I am super intentional and in the moment with each of these tasks.
For example, I always light a candle, turn my heater on, put on the low lights and gentle music as I shower. I always try to set out my clothes the morning before work. I spend my evenings reading in bed instead of on my phone (this is still a work in progress ;)). Simplifying your routines and being intentional over them is what makes for a simpler lifestyle overall.

5.) Learn to say No and Set Boundaries
Especially as it relates to people and tIme
A big way in which I have had to learn this and implement this tip relates to my schedule and work. I own my own businesses and people expect a lot of you to meet their needs whenever they want you to. They expect you to always be on the top of your game, they want to many times see you fail in the industry. This has actually made me reevaluate the types of businesses and industries I want to be in and associated with. Who I want to work with and compete with. It has shown me which businesses and dreams have been worth it and which ones have turned into stress-filled nightmares! This is made me close doors with certain vendors, partners, coworkers, regular 9-5 jobs, and even close some of my own businesses.
I have also chosen not to pursue certain social gatherings, Bible studies, relationships, and more. When you choose intentionally the people, places, job environments, and things you put your time into life gets better, more bearable and simpler. This might be my favorite of the five simple living tips and I bet many of you will agree!
& just like that- there it is! My top five Simple living tips for those who want to change their busy and chaotic lifestyle! This is how we are meant to live.. Tell me your tips below & subscribe for more!