Simple Living doesn’t just run through the veins of our day to day schedules and it isn’t just a lifestyle that promotes minimalistic living in your physical homes. It is so much more than that and when we apply our simple lifestyle beliefs to every aspect of our lives that is where we see huge impact taking place. One specific aspect we should work on more to minimize within- is our finances. Simple living shouldn’t be burdened by our financial state. Working on simplifying our financial situations makes life so much more enjoyable and lessens lots of extra burden that often weighs us down. With that in mind this is seven simple living money tips to help you get your finances in a simplified place to match your lifestyle!
Simple Living Money Tips to Create a Less Stressful and Hustle Based Lifestyle

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It can be easy to learn simple living generally but taking a close lol at how to live a slower life in specific areas of your life can help you better tackle your peaceful lifestyle sooner. To understand it clearer and gain benefits from it- peaceful benefits you may not have before. Without further ado this is the seven money tips I would give to anyone who is striving to live a more traditional or slow lifestyle.
1. Say No to Spontaneity
When it comes to money the stress mainly comes when we realize at the end of the month we bought an unreal amount of coffee or spontaneous purchases. Now don’t get me wrong I think a part of simple living is actually making room for spontaneity, but at times that is not the case. For example, if you know you are tight on income it isn’t a helpful idea for you and your well-being to purchase a spontaneous item. Especially when the money has a place toward a bill or planned purchase already. We so often make these sorts of purchases and get stressed later. Let’s look to the future and learn to live without certain pleasures for the better of our peace, finances, and future.
2. Learn to Live on Less
Recently I noticed that my schedule was getting overwhelming. I decided, instead of working through this busy season, that I would make cuts. This meant I cut back on the income I would be bringing in. This also means that I have to begin to live on less. To maintain the lifestyle of peace and quiet that I have been given I need to make choices to cut back.

3. Start a Stress Free Savings
When I was in the top of my hustle culture phase I had very intense expectations over how much was in my savings accounts. I had thousands and thousands saved, but it never felt like enough. I was always restricting purchases when I didn’t need to. It was my major control issues showing through. I cared more about self preservation than I did trusting God with my life and finances. It was me trying to save myself and it was too much. Though when I make more money I do save more because I think we need to be smart with our finances. I also have started worrying less on my savings accounts status.
I call it a stress free savings account. It catches all of my small left over amounts of cash at the end of every month or whenever I feel like adding to it. The stress is less overwhelming, money builds without the pressure. This also shows me that the things I do in my day to day life matter more to me than working all day to have a large savings or towards self preservation. Being present matters more than trying to overwork and try to be in control of situations I have no control over. I do what I can and the rest is in the Lord’s hands now. No more overworking to overprotect anymore.
4. Be Peacefully Aware
Another majorly unhealthy thing I used to do before starting a simple lifestyle was my obsessive record keeping of every purchase I made. At one point I had even tracked my gift card amounts on paper. Now I keep all my business receipts, I watch my statements, keep general awareness of bills to income ratio, but I don’t obsess. We do not need to obsess over our finances. We do not need to record how much money we have on all of our gift cards combined. Let this be the easiest of the simple living money tips by heading my advice. It isn’t necessary to be so intense with yourself and your finances. When you are making even a gift technical, you know you have a problem.
If you are not sure how to do this my best advice is to get a budge planner. This way it is all already in sections, it is already blueprinted in front of you. This makes is a million times easier to budget quickly, mindfully and also reminds you of things like Christmas and birthdays! I love this planner it is amazing!
5. Know What the Bible Says about Money
A huge thing we need to remember is what God says about our finances. He says in Matthew 6 to not worry. Solomon in the Proverbs give us a multitude of financial advice. Again Jesus says in the gospels that you cannot be a lover of money and a lover of God. You have one master, one master rules our lives primarily. Who will we let that be? Christ or our finances?
Something you can do to get more aware of Christian views on finances is to get your head into some good books on the subject. Here is a link to some books by Christian authors on finances.
6. Find Greater Fulfillments
Part of our problem for all of mankind for all of our existence has been putting too much stock in the amount of money we have. We carry ourselves based off of the amount of money we have to our names. Our worth and status changes based off of the amount of money we have. We need to work on this. It is time we find healthier ways to define ourselves. We need to search for deeper meaning in our lives aside from monetary things. Aside from the items we own. This is a huge part of simple living in general, let alone financially.
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This especially needs to look like Christ as our center. But it is okay to have passions and other interests that also make us who we are. That give us joy and show others who we are. Hobbies, family, interests. There is so many more things we need to care about more readily than our financial status and than the items we own in our home. We need to retrain our brains that the car we own doesn’t truly tell anyone anything about who we are. It’s a process to work through but it’s important that we do work on how much worth we put on ourselves based off of how much money we make and what we can or can’t afford.
7. Thoughtful Purchases
Last point is the only point in our simple living money tips post that is based solely off of the purchases that we do make and how we use our money. These questions I am about to list are only to make us aware of what we do with our money. I am not perfect by any means when it comes to this point, but I do believe it is something we should become self aware over and begin making the changes that we can.
So, what kind of purchases do you make? Are you making purchases that are mindful, thought out, that are ethical? Are you making wise decisions? Giving when you can (and even when it’s hard to)? Simple living to me is also living ethically, and living with quality. Because of my Christianity it also looks like living traditionally. Are we focusing closely to the things we are spending our money on? Are we buying enough experiences with the ones we love? Coffee dates with friends when we can? Are we being intentional? Are we buying unethically? These are all things to ask ourselves.
It isn’t always easy to buy ethically or a quality item. I don’t always do this. But it’s important to do so in the ways that we can. I usually do things myself if I want an ethical and healthy item in my home. For example I only use cleaners that I make. I cut out most TV subscriptions from my phone and spend more time outside. Do not think that I am trying to say to be perfect. I make a lot of my purchases on Amazon. But start small and grow in the ways you can.
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This was seven simple living money tips to help you on your journey to a simpler lifestyle
I hope you enjoyed and get a lot out of this post. It is hard to cover all faucets of our life sometimes to make it fit our lifestyle but it is important that we do. If you want to see more simple living posts comment below and let me know specifically what you want to hear from us! Thank you and God bless you on your journey through simple living and in general of course!