“Practical Simple Living Tips”. When I began my simple living journey I clicked on every post with this title that came up on my Pinterest feed. But I was often let down by the content with which I was provided. Living simply means living specifically and intentionally towards slowness while being practical and I didn’t see much of that in these posts. Most of the tips sounded like this “find time for yourself” or “minimize your wardrobe”.
Living in a place that is below zero in the Winter and above 100° in the Summer I find it hard to minimize my wardrobe. Not to mention the fact that “finding time for myself” is not a practical way to jump into simplicity with a house full of chores and humans. (Side note: this tip is also an extremely vague and unhelpful statement. If it was that easy we all would do it). So how could I still live this life, with the people and rhythms I loved while making it simpler? I had to figure a lot out on my own- and lucky for you I started this blog so I could share these things with you as well!
This is FIVE Practical Simple Living Tips to Start Your Journey to a Slower Lifestyle.

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This is a list of tips for simple living that has been thought out so intentionally. I have writing bits and pieces of this post for almost a week. Taking my time to find practical, attainable and easy ways to slow down your hurried lifestyle. So without further ado, let’s get into these five simple living tips!
1.) Delete Useless or Addictive Apps on Your Phone
This is the very first way in which I found myself with more time on my hands. I deleted the addictive apps and games that I spent all my time on. I got rid of a few social medias and apps I don’t use anymore. This freed up space on my phone, time in my day, and also begun getting me out of my head (disassociated) and allowed me to step into reality. How beautiful is that. We spend so much time on our phones, even saving a few minutes would be worth it. So if deleting all of your addictive apps is too difficult right now you can start with just one or two. The process doesn’t have to look like cold turkey for you- it definitely hasn’t been for me.
2.) Low Risk Decluttering
My second of the five practical Simple living tips is to declutter but not the same as most people tell you. Because as I mentioned above it’s hard to declutter when you often times feel like you need the item or may need it soon. So this is what I do- which is also time saving- low risk decluttering. Low risk decluttering is when you have a large basket or garbage sack and every time you come upon an item you don’t use, like, or are questioning put it in the basket. Once the basket is full, if it’s been a month or more or if I am going to the donation center I bring the goods with and donate them. Most of the items I don’t take out but there has been a few times I have taken something out of the bag. This way we are still making our spaces less overwhelming to live in and to care for- but it’s low risk, fast for clean up/sorting and also eventually gets lots of stuff out of the house! My favorite thing about this is how easy it is to have a clean space using this method and stress free!
Larger Basket with Lid on Amazon
Large Circular Basket on Amazon

3.) Access to Different Things
We often reach for what is most accessible to us. If I have candy out I will reach for that. But if it’s in the pantry I leave it there. If I don’t have any books out I usually don’t read. But if I have a few on my nightstand, coffee table, etc. I reach for it. If we want to work towards a slower, a simple, a traditional lifestyle with less distractions and hustle providing access to better things is a way to start. Put your knitting needles next to the couch. Buy food with meals and recipes in mind. Put your phone charger in the other room and move your books to the table. Leave your journal and a pen in your favorite spot to relax. Give yourself access to things that are better for you! This keeps you off your phone, and brings you back to the simpler ways of life, the things that have made us human for so many years. Not news or mindless games. Comparison or judgements. But in our reality, with a crochet hook or a home cooked meal. Less on your mind, to take in what is real around you.
These links may help get your imagination and inspiration rolling. Some of my favorite books and things to do:
It’s Okay Not to Be Okay- Sheila Walsh
Secret Garden- Frances Hodgson Burnett
Don’t forget to get pens or pencils for journaling!
4.) Take Some Tasks out of Your Morning Routine
My life feels so much happier- with genuine happiness- now that my morning routine is around five to ten minutes instead of two to three hours. I used to wake up at seven on Sunday mornings to leave for Church at 9:30. It was basic hygiene, hair, makeup, outfit and this took two and a half hours. Y’all. No thank you.
These days I still wake up at seven but I don’t do my hair or makeup anymore. This doesn’t mean I don’t look good or take care of myself but it’s actually a quality care I get now instead. I know that I can shower, wash my face, make a healthy breakfast, relax in my pajamas, play with my dog. Seriously relax for two hours. I know this isn’t always possible for some people. When I worked in an office and in a school I wouldn’t have went without doing my hair and makeup often. It felt professional. But now my job doesn’t require this.
But in what ways can you downsize your morning tasks? Here is some ideas:
- Set breakfast foods on the counter and let the kids make it themselves. (Cereal, toast, etc.)
- Set out your outfit the night before
- Stay off your phone the first hour out of bed
- Have a “Going Out” Outfit. Mine is a pair of leggings, slip on shoes and sweatshirt. That way if I am just heading to the store or getting coffee it’s so much fast and less stress to get ready.
And allow yourself more fulfilling activities. Read your Bible and pray. Take your dog for a walk. Or simply take your time with the tasks you leave in your routine.

5.) Make that Grocery List
Or any list for that matter. The last of my practical Simple living tips. I know we all have went to the store without a list before and ended up purchasing and pushing a cart load of unnecessary or unplanned goods out of the store. Of course this goes for every store we enter, not just grocery stores. Honestly it’s okay to do that sometimes, but how much better on your home and budget would it be to only get what you planned for? Specific foods for specific meals with a treat here and there because that’s fine! Leaving with the dress for your work party or the new winter coat you planned for and nothing else. This saves room, money, and time. It’s planning to live more intentionally, naturally, thoughtfully and wisely. This lowers your consumption rate of products in general. Again it’s okay to write on the list allowing for one treat! I think that’s better than restricting and binging your money and food. Allow wiggle room as you begin to learn this simple lifestyle!
Just like that, this was FIVE Practical Simple Living Tips!
Thank you so much for reading this far. If you want to see more he sure to subscribe and also to follow our social medias! Have any great tips? Put them below! God bless you all!