I spent years cleaning in unproductive ways. For example, my methods mostly looked like piling stuff up on a table or chair until it was unusable. Then I would clean it up when I felt like it. My most used cleaning method was starting at the doorway of any room and working to the opposite wall until it was flawless. Start with garbage, pick up clothes next, make the bed. These were the methods I used and none were overly efficient for me. Maybe you have found yourself in this same position. But finally I have found the perfect life changing cleaning method, and I am here to share it with you.

When I worked my last job in an early Head Start all I did was clean. Not really, but it felt like it. The mass destruction ten two year olds can make in a matter of minutes is almost scary.
But while I worked there I found a life changing cleaning method. It was efficient with time and made sense to me. I learned it at the kids food tables one afternoon.
Someone always cleaned while the other two put kids down for a nap. Kids are a big mess with food all over the table, chairs, and floor, this is how we cleaned to keep it fast and efficient. This may not he news to how you clean certain spaces but I find it useful no matter the room.
Here is my favorite way to clean most room.
I like to call it the top to bottom method.
This means cleaning the higher surfaces first and work down to the floor.
For example, this is how I would clean my Living Room:
- Dust the corners of the room (ceiling to floor) and any crown molding
- Scrub any marks on the walls
- Clean Windows
- Clean off table surfaces and TV stand (throwing any garbage and crumbs on the floor except for large pieces (I usually have a small trash bag) and all trinkets in a basket)
- Clean Couch and organize pillows
- Pick up garbage off the floor, vacuum and shampoo carpet
Or the Kitchen Table:
- Swipe all crumbs on the floor off the table and chairs
- Wipe it down lightly
- Spray the table and chairs
- Sweep up all crumbs
- Swifter the floor and wipe down the table and chairs
Working from top to bottom is like a lazy way to clean but it works for me because I have so much trouble focusing on doing things perfectly. Just the idea of pushing all the garbage and crumbs off of every surface to sweep up is so much easier than grabbing each napkin or piece of food to put in the garbage. It is easier to me than sweeping directly off the table into the trash can too. It takes less time because I don’t have to be tedious to keep the floor clean while I clean the table and I keep my garbage can away from my table space.
This is the funniest method to me but the only cleaning method that works for me! Let me know what you guys do that may be different!