Making a productive homestead is an important way to make things run smooth. Especially during different seasons. Canning in the Fall and dehydrating throughout the Summer. We have the luxury in the 21 century to take the best from our generation and the best of the past generations to allow the this flow to be at its prime. I enjoy modern and former in my kitchen and home. I thought I would share my favorites from both to help your homestead give back to you! This is seven must have homestead kitchen gadgets!

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Kitchen Gadgets that will Help Your Homestead Level Up
Many of these are homestead level one, but that is the point of this post as well! Most people own Dutch ovens if they homestead but many beginners don’t always know how important or useful this item is for example! We want to set you up for success no matter what level of homestead you feel like you are! With this being said enjoy the post and let us know your must haves below!
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1.) Canning Set
This is a must if you want to boost your homesteading skills and your self sustainability! A water bath canner cans most jams, syrups, and fruits. With a water bath canner you also need the tools that go with it. Places like Amazon make this super easy for us today because people set sets now! So you don’t have to wonder what you need. Such as this set here! It has all the basics you will need. Along with that set it’s a must to by a Ball Canning and Preserving book! I had one given to me- you can ask around for one! But they sell them as well on Amazon. This will give you every instruction, and answer every question you could have about canning!
If that set isn’t enough this one has so many more gadgets with it!
If gadgets have nothing to do with it there are smaller options as well and more aesthetic sets. This set has cream accent pieces and is smaller for those of you living in smaller conditions! Or for those who can less!
2.) Kitchen Dehydrator
I dehydrate so much! This is one of the most useful tools we have in our kitchen. If we have food that is about to go bad we dehydrate it. We use it to dehydrate and make loose leaf teas. Dehydrators also make jerky and fruit leather! The purposes are endless and this specific gadget is just such an important and useful item for your kitchen. It’s one we use all year for amazing things.
Without our dehydrator we wouldn’t have our own apothecary, which has been a fun thing to start!
There is so many different dehydrators on the market. They level from super basic to extremely advanced with specific settings and buttons for different food types. I love the fancy ones but I don’t have one anymore and I dehydrate all the time! This means you can go for a cheaper option and still win over and over again!
Here is a list of a few different ones:
- COSORI Food Dehydrator– More Expensive but High Quality with Amazing Reviews
- Small COSORI Food Dehydrator– this one is smaller in size, more affordable and just as versatile
- Commercial Chef Food Dehydrator– this is the cheapest with good reviews. Again it is smaller but still great in size and capacity! It’s got simple mechanics as well! I have a very similar dehydrator to this.
- Basic Search for Dehydrators on Amazon– in case you want to explore more options this is the best way to do it!
3.) Dutch Oven
Number three of the seven homestead kitchen gadgets is a Dutch oven.
If you need a pot that triumphs all pots a Dutch oven pot would be the one. Take it camping and cook whatever you need in it. Bake homemade bread. It’s a must for many specific foods that you make at home! They are also so extremely sturdy, if taken care of I would almost guarantee you wouldn’t have to buy more than one in your whole life. Unlike most other pots and pans you can actually use this pot directly over coals and fire. It makes awesome soups and there is so many more benefits than can be listed. They are shown to have really high cooking quality and really even heat distribution! The list goes on, but I’ll stop here because I feel like I made my point.
There is many different Dutch ovens out there now. Below I have linked a few below: two are classic Dutch oven’s the other is more modern and may not stand up to the qualities mentioned above because they are typically slightly different. But if you are cooking to match a kitchen aesthetic and don’t plan on cooking over an open fire they do just as fine!
- Lodge Open Fire Dutch Oven– use this while camping, over your lit fire. It has a handle to hang as well.
- Lodge Stove Top and Oven Dutch Oven– use this to make soups on the stove top, or over an open fire. (Careful grabbing these, do not do it barehanded!) It can also be used in the oven to bake bread!
- Gorgeous Martha Stewart Dutch Oven– this comes in white with gold accents, light robin’s egg blue and so many more! It’s so beautiful and very practical.
4.) Pressure Canner
Just as important as the water bath canner mentions in the first point is owning a pressure canner as well. Water bath canners can only do certain types of canned goods. Pressure canners are for the more acidic food items. If you plan on canning pickles, green beans, carrots and foods alike you need to pressure can them. You cannot can them any other way, it just won’t work! Canning carrots and green beans allows you to make such a variety of meals in the off seasons. Soups is a big one! Taco soup, chicken soup and more! Having this gadget under your belt is super useful for you and your family! It opens up such a wider variety of foods you can preserve on your shelf.
This is the specific one we have and the one I recommend of course! It’s also the Amazon’s choice and is highly rated! The brand is Presto and they are tried and true!

5.) Vacuum Sealer
Vacuum sealers are also a must have for your homestead! This preserved food in such a different way than some of the other items listed! You can vacuum seal dried food to double up on the preservation, you can seal food for the freezer to save space! Sealing foods also gives them a longer shelf life and sustainability on the shelf! Having a vacuum sealer is similar to a dehydrator to me. If I know I’m not going to be able to finish a certain food item I dry the rest! The vacuum sealer can do the same sort of thing! If you aren’t going to finish a food before it goes bad you seal it and store it!
Again there is a million different types of vacuum sealers! But below is a cheaper and more expensive option. Both have amazing reviews. Though the quality and the item’s versatility will definitely be different!
- Bonsenkitchen Dry/Moist Vacuum Sealer Machine- cheaper option with incredible reviews
- Vacuum Sealer Machine, Automatic Food Sealer for Food Preservation – more expensive, higher quality with more versatility and qualities
6.) Freezer Containers
Something we use often is freezer containers! After living off the land for a while you will find that there is a few items you cannot just vacuum seal or can. Some food items and purées cannot be canned. Pumpkin purée for example has to be frozen because it won’t can correctly. There is also times that you will be too overwhelmed to can, that’s where these freezer containers become life saving. This is the fastest way to keep from spoiling anything. Seriously having these on hand has saved so much of our jelly and other foods.
Another reason I enjoy having them on hand is because canning can actually create slight changes to the product you can. Canning lilac jelly can change the color to orange instead of pink. Freezing can ease lots of worries. Especially if canning intimidates you and you still want to learn to preserve food.
- Pint Sized Square Containers Reusable– these are super similar to the ones I have. They conserve space really well and are good sized. They also sell them in all different sizes. The lids are a brighter color on these but I couldn’t find and plain ones! That doesn’t totally matter when it’s just for freezing food!
- HOMETALL 40 PCS Food Storage Containers with Lids– these are higher quality plastics with really sturdy body and lid. They come in a set of all different sizes.
- Tafura Freezer Containers for Food with Twist Top Lids– these are 32oz fairly cheap while still sturdy! They are circle shaped which is the shape we often use to can our goods!
You can also surf the search results here to see if there is a deal that works best for you or that you like better!
7.) Food Processor or Grinder
The last of the seven homestead kitchen gadgets is a food processor or grinder. Especially if you wish to have a home apothecary one day! I use ours so often this year since trying to start our own herbal apothecary. It can create fine pieces for loose leaf teas or powders for spices, ingredients, to put in drinks and more! Both are such handy tools. Processors do really good humus, salsa, pesto and more. If you are really desiring to grow your own medicines or can yummy mixtures these are two things you need.
Again, like the rest of the homestead kitchen gadgets there is a million on the market. They are all different qualities and prices. I have put a few different ones below. A few food processors and a few grinders. Grinders are better for powders though good processors can produce powder as well. Both are useful in the kitchen, they hold similar tasks which is why I lump them together, but the intensity of the grain changes to extremely fine with a grinder. Whereas it says chunky with a processor. But I use my processor for loose leaf teas too!
- Hamilton Beach Food Processor– this is a great brand and typically they are lower in price though the quality still remains really good!
- Kitchen Aide Processor– a great quality brand with a cute selection for aesthetics.
- Hamilton Beach Smaller Processor– this one is smaller and extremely affordable. I have one similar to this size and it’s all that most people may need depending on how big your homestead operation is!
- Krups SS Grinder– this is a nice grinder with great reviews. It’s a quality brand we all love, and it’s very simplistic in appearance. Great for grinding spices.
- Hamilton Beach Grinder– again with this brand but they will always be the best option for a budget! Great reviews.
Just like that this was my seven to homestead kitchen gadgets! Things you need in your home for an easy and successful homesteading kitchen! Thank you for reading and God bless you!