Oven grease feels unconquerable when it comes to cleaning. We often wonder if our ovens will ever look the same again once it’s got some use in it. Many people try to convince us that the best way to go is store bought oven cleaners. Thinking about those chemicals being in the place where my food is cooked makes my skin crawl. Please believe that there is a better way, because there is! This is the best four ingredient homemade oven cleaner.

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I feel like our ovens feel slight neglect sometimes. Same as our junk drawers, microwaves, Tupperware cabinets. The places in our homes that maybe scare or overwhelm us- but they are always there to stress us out in the back of our minds.
These places in our homes don’t have to be such large tasks for us to stress over or complete. I have found the most incredible oven cleaner with so many benefits:
- Non-toxic for the home
- Takes less than an hour (most of the time)
- Uses ingredients you more than likely already have in your home
- Most of the work isn’t even done by you and takes little labor
So, let’s get right into it.
Homemade Oven Cleaner Ingredients
Again, this ingredient list is so short you might miss it and full of clean products- which makes this so much closer to a non-toxic oven cleaner as well!
- 1/2 Cup Baking Soda
- 1/4 Cup Dish Soap
- 1/4 Hydrogen Peroxide
- 1 Large Pot of Boiling Water
- To Scrub: Gloves, SOS Pad, Dish Scrubby (Scrub Daddy is a good one), Towel
Just like that, the list is complete. But how do we use these ingredients? Keep reading to find out!

Directions for Use
1.) First you should fill a large pot with water and begin warming it on the stove. I filled my pot almost full and had my oven on high. The goal is to bring the water to boiling temperatures.
2.) While it begins to warm mix the other three ingredients together in a medium sized bowl. This should create a paste.
3.) Next taking a scrubby, a gloved hand, towel, or whatever you choose begin to rub a layer all over the inside of your oven. Make sure it is pasty enough to not run off of the walls and roof of the oven. You want to cover the whole inside of the oven- top to bottom- including the inside of the door with the paste.
4.) Once you have a layer over the whole oven you can take the boiling water off the stove and place it inside the oven on the middle shelf. Close the oven door and turn on a thirty minute timer. (IF your oven really needs a scrub leave it for longer than thirty minutes. If it needs more time you can gage it yourself but usually I do 30-60 minutes.)
5.) Once the timer goes off, it is scrubbing time. Depending on how much grease there is in your oven it may take a bit of work, but usually it doesn’t take long. For scrubbing I use a dish scrub and an SOS pad as I mentioned above. Keeping the hot water to the side so I could rinse out the dish scrubbers in it. After I scrubbing you can wipe it down with a towel and I generally use a wet towel so I know all the soap and cleaner is washed away.
6.) Once you make sure all the paste and soap is out you are all finished! Sometimes I go over it with the wet towel a few times (rinsing out the towel each time) just to make sure my food doesn’t taste like SOS pad or baking soda haha!
This was all about the best homemade, four ingredient oven cleaner- a lifesaver!
I hope you enjoyed and found this post super helpful! Let me know how it went for you below in the comments! If you have non-toxic easy cleaners let us know! To connect with us more subscribe!
(Prayer: Thank you Jesus for the ability to have this platform. Thank you so much for the technology of the 21st century. We thank you for our ovens and the beauty that comes from this appliance. I pray to thank you for non-toxic options to clean our homes so they can provide for us and others in more ways than one- they can keep us healthy in more ways than one. Thank you for the ways we get to clean and take care of our homes. We love you- and again- thank you for this opportunity.)