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We all have plants in our homes, because they are beautiful, aesthetically pleasing, some people consider them children. These are all good reasons to have indoor plants but this post explores the #1 reason you need them! Wondering the benefits of having indoor plants? Well, keep reading!
Be sure to scroll to the bottom for the free plant watering schedule printable!

I have always loved indoor plants, just as much and as long as the next guy. I am guessing you are in the same boat if you are reading this! For years I had them primarily for the aesthetics and for the beauty of it, without realizing how they could actually have been benefiting me the whole time! Maybe you are unaware of this too! There is so much more to the lively greenery hanging in your kitchen window than you may think and this post is going to explore just that. ALONG with my favorite indoor plant must haves!
The #1 benefit of having indoor plants and my favorite indoor plant must haves!
Some of you may know where I am going with this, others may have different opinions on the number one benefit of having indoor plants. But once this point was once truly understood by me, I got serious about having indoor plants wherever I could.
It’s something we all know, something we have all heard before, but once it was explained again and clicked for me in the context of indoor plants, I was hooked (even more so), and now, have a great excuse for buying more plants. I am going to share this with you too, so you also, have a great excuse to buy more plants.

Again, this is something we have all heard before. One more hint before I share it. You probably first learned this in science class, earth science or biology.
Alright, now I will share.
There is a million benefits of having indoor plants, but this takes the cake. Having indoor plants makes us healthier.
I’m telling you, this is something we have all heard before, but when it clicked for me, I have begun throwing millions of plants in each room.
Why not propagate, buy more plants, accept potted flowers, when the benefits are so big?
Let me get more specific. Plants restore freshness and oxygen to the air we breathe. This means the richness of our air and the quality is increasing. It’s a more natural state, naturalistic, like nature. How we all started out, aka the Garden of Eden times. Having healthy plants in our homes means we have healthy air to breathe. Even as a minimalist I have an abundance of plants because I care about the quality we live by. After spending the last year really sick I’m always looking for new ways to care for myself. Having fresh air, cleanliness, and a healthy living space with these plants benefits our overall health. This stuff is scientifically proven.
Not only do indoor plants enhance the overall appearance of a space, but studies show they boost moods, increase creativity, reduce stress, and eliminate air pollutants- making for a healthier, happier you. Indoor plants don’t just look good they can make us feel good, too.
– The Sill ; The Benefits of Having Plants in Your
Home or Office
Wanna know more about this quote above visit this link.
This is the reason, and I realize I was gatekeeping that for way too long in this post. To make up for this I am also going to share my favorite indoor plants and the must have care items as well! To help you in getting started in your research and healthy addiction with indoor plants!
If you want to just scope out general indoor plant care products click here and you can scroll Amazon for some high rated goodies!
If not, read on….
Plant Food
Simply following the instructions on the food you get will give such good and sustainable health to your plant babies! Both plant food’s below are highly rated. One is less expensive, one is liquid and one is a solid tablet. One is climate friendly but more expensive. Check them both out to find your favorite!
Sticky Bug Traps
Secondly would be sticky bug traps or sprays! Now, some Seasons, climates, or aromas draw bugs more than others. It is always a good idea to have these on hand to protect your plants from those pesky bugs. For example use them more frequently in the Summer if you leave your doors open, or in the Fall as the weather changes! It’s also a good idea to have spray around to spray the plants as directed (and when directed) to precent the need for these tabs ahead of time!
Beauty Wipes for Your Plants
Likewise with the last, keeping your plants healthy and beautiful is important. Wiping your plant leaves clean is a must in my opinion. If you want your plants to take care of you, then you must take care of them! Click the link below for some highly rated wipe options!
Soil Moisture Meter
Following up is a soil moisture meter! This will help you know in multiple ways how your plants are health wise.
Water Mister or Watering Can
Another, is a watering can or also a mister! These are all products to ensure your plants thrive in their environment. Right now I don’t use either but if my plants required a light misting over simple watering I would buy one. Some plants actually do require certain types of watering! The reason I would also buy a watering can is because it’s so much easier to fill a can and bring it to the plants than to bring the plants to the water… The time I would save!
Indoor Plant Book
Lastly, is a book that actually teaches you more about the plants specifically in you home. Besides, if you are going to get some goodies to take care of the plants you may as well buy a manuel that tells you how to do it right!
This was the number one benefit for having indoor plants and a few must have items to keep extra good care of your plants.
But we saved the best part of the post for last! Get your free printable below!
Thank you so much for reading, and additionally, if you have any more pointers or products to optimize your indoor plants comment them below!