Making a productive homestead is an important way to make things run smooth. Especially during different seasons. Canning in the Fall and dehydrating throughout the Summer. We have the luxury in the 21 century to take the best from our…
5 Tips to Make Your Home Flourish- Homemaking Routine 101
A huge part of being a Christian home owner or homemaker is pouring into that home. Not just by cleaning it and general maintenance. But wise and beautiful things that are far beyond that. Minimalism is a conviction of some,…
The Best Lilac Scone Recipe
Nothing is better than lilacs, and nothing is better than a quality scone- and now I promise that nothing is better than the both mixed together. As lilac season is coming to an end in my zone I thought I…
The Easiest and the Most Delicious Lilac Syrup Recipe
Most people do not know that the gorgeous flower of the lilac tree is also an edible one. This flower lasts about two weeks on the vine, so our window is always short to harvest, but beyond worth it. There…
5 of The Best Renter Friendly Homesteading Tips
Renting a home or apartment can really put a stunt on our desires of homesteading. With the market the way it is currently, it is so difficult to buy a home. This, along with many other reasons, can make renting…
7 Simple Living Money Tips
Simple Living doesn’t just run through the veins of our day to day schedules and it isn’t just a lifestyle that promotes minimalistic living in your physical homes. It is so much more than that and when we apply our…
The Best Way To Preserve Dandelions- From Flower to Roots
It’s Spring, and from now until Fall we will all have an overload of dandelions spreading across our yards. It’s okay to mow over them or spray but I have a better idea for you: learn to preserve them in…
5 AMAZING Must Have Products for Your Homestead
Sometimes adding a touch of modern helps our homestead thrive in so many new ways. It can ease stress and help the flow of the operation run smooth. I have found so many products this past year that have made…
5 Ways to Use and Preserve Your Extra Produce
Though this is being written before the growing season has fully commenced, there is never a time too early to learn how to use up and preserve your produce. Often times, when at a loss, we end up wasting quality…
How to Make Newspaper Seedling Pots
It’s Spring and time for planting seeds, which will eventually be a delicious meal on our table. Potting seeds and watching them grow is so fulfilling. One thing I can’t get past is using plastic pots to watch the process….
5 Practical Ways To Begin Living Simpler
“Practical Simple Living Tips”. When I began my simple living journey I clicked on every post with this title that came up on my Pinterest feed. But I was often let down by the content with which I was provided….
The BEST Four Ingredient Homemade Oven Cleaner
Oven grease feels unconquerable when it comes to cleaning. We often wonder if our ovens will ever look the same again once it’s got some use in it. Many people try to convince us that the best way to go…