Renting a home or apartment can really put a stunt on our desires of homesteading. With the market the way it is currently, it is so difficult to buy a home. This, along with many other reasons, can make renting…
7 Simple Living Money Tips
Simple Living doesn’t just run through the veins of our day to day schedules and it isn’t just a lifestyle that promotes minimalistic living in your physical homes. It is so much more than that and when we apply our…
The Best Way To Preserve Dandelions- From Flower to Roots
It’s Spring, and from now until Fall we will all have an overload of dandelions spreading across our yards. It’s okay to mow over them or spray but I have a better idea for you: learn to preserve them in…
5 AMAZING Must Have Products for Your Homestead
Sometimes adding a touch of modern helps our homestead thrive in so many new ways. It can ease stress and help the flow of the operation run smooth. I have found so many products this past year that have made…
5 Ways to Use and Preserve Your Extra Produce
Though this is being written before the growing season has fully commenced, there is never a time too early to learn how to use up and preserve your produce. Often times, when at a loss, we end up wasting quality…