We are now (officially) a few weeks into the Fall Season, the best Season of them all! So many new things front themselves in this Season but we also see many things go. Fall is the Season that brings routine…
Simple Three Ingredient Apple Fruit Leather
XIt’s Fall. Which means we are at the height of the canning and preserving season as well! One of my favorites to make as a healthy snack is fruit leather, and since I just picked apples I though there was…
The First 3 Things to Start with as a New Homesteader
So, are you thinking of becoming a homesteader? Saying yes to that, and going through with it, may be the best decision of your life. As it was mine. But that lifestyle can be minorly (majorly) overwhelming when it comes…
7 Awesome Christmas Gift Ideas for the Homesteader in Your Life
Living as a homesteader is hardcore and it’s a true lifestyle. The more manual tools, stocked pantry shelves, animals, and useful hobbies the homestead has the happier they are! With Christmas right around the corner it is the perfect time…
5 Modest- but Modern- Inspiration Outfits for Fall
*This post contains affiliated links, you don’t get charged extra to buy, click on, look at any products. Though we may receive commission from a purchase you make. My second disclaimer is pertaining to color matches, I cannot guarantee these…