It’s no surprise to us when we hear how much plastic is used to make and package everything we consume, wear, and eat. But it seems to me counterintuitive that we use plastic so much in our endeavors to create,…
The Best Homemade Carpet Cleaner
I would say everyone who has carpet at one point in their life has struggled with stains or odor impossible to remove. Store bought cleaners aren’t always the solution to bring that perfect carpet back- it rarely is for me….
3 Things I Don’t Downsize as a Minimalist
As a minimalist we are always trying to downsize. We love to collect memories not things, we long to eliminate the clutter and mess in our homes- but less isn’t always more when it comes to specific things. This is…
The Best Tried-and-True Germination Test
Though we usually associate gardening with the (late Spring &) Summer months of the year- Winter and early Spring are a great time for garden preparation. Besides planning your garden layout, ordering seeds, fertilizer and soil, testing the germination of…
5 Simple Living Tips & Lifestyle Changes
In this crazy world- full of busy schedules, expensive living costs, major societal problems and standards, and political unrest- so many are turning to simpler and more traditional lifestyles. It’s exactly what I did four years ago- and continue to…