Though this is being written before the growing season has fully commenced, there is never a time too early to learn how to use up and preserve your produce. Often times, when at a loss, we end up wasting quality…
How to Make Newspaper Seedling Pots
It’s Spring and time for planting seeds, which will eventually be a delicious meal on our table. Potting seeds and watching them grow is so fulfilling. One thing I can’t get past is using plastic pots to watch the process….
5 Practical Ways To Begin Living Simpler
“Practical Simple Living Tips”. When I began my simple living journey I clicked on every post with this title that came up on my Pinterest feed. But I was often let down by the content with which I was provided….
The BEST Four Ingredient Homemade Oven Cleaner
Oven grease feels unconquerable when it comes to cleaning. We often wonder if our ovens will ever look the same again once it’s got some use in it. Many people try to convince us that the best way to go…
Five Ways to Protect Your Garden from Frost
With the recent cold spell across the nation so many have been worried about protecting their gardens from being damaged as a result. Living in a colder climate I have learned different ways and found different products to protect plants…