The perfect stocking stuffer and gift for your homestead aspiring friends. Not only does this contain 100 year old dehydrated sourdough starter powder, but also contains a package of inclusions (walnuts and cranberries) for your friends first inclusion loaf.
Three tablespoons sourdough starter with 1/4 cup of inclusions.
find all the resources for rehydrating and baking sourdough in our blog
15 in stock
The perfect stocking stuffer and gift for your homestead aspiring friends. Not only does this contain 100 year old dehydrated sourdough starter powder, but also contains a package of inclusions (walnuts and cranberries) for your friends first inclusion loaf.
Three tablespoons sourdough starter with 1/4 cup of inclusions.
find all the resources for rehydrating and baking sourdough in our blog
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