Though my title is a little misleading- even for my own opinions as the writer- it does help get my point across. Resting is an essential need of human beings to keep going at a healthy and happy rate. But often times we can’t find ways to get true rest, that restores energy and happiness. We have strayed from a tradition many of old participated in. This tradition is that of a dedication to rest- a day of rest. As we get further up the chain of first world living we don’t slow down enough to dedicate time to rest anymore. But we see the effects of this immensely on our culture. Burnout, compassion fatigue, anger and more. Resting after work for one hour while scrolling social media is not the same as having true rest. This post will continue to explore the benefits of a day of rest.
The Benefits of Dedicating a Day to Rest

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Most of my adult life I have spent going- and when I’m not going I am thinking about how I should be going. I think about how disappointed everyone must be around me- that I’m so far behind my past classmates, or my family members when they were my age. I think if someone saw my laundry pile they would freak, and it would be hypocritical to leave it until I had company. That I’m not pulling my weight in this world or my community. I should write while I rest or bake bread. The kitchen needed cleaned and my dog tipped the trash over earlier.
You get the point. I’m not enough unless I’m going. I’m lazy unless I’m making money. I should give more of my time to others as a Christian. God would be disappointed in me if I took time for me. I’m behind and that’s why I don’t have friends. If my mentor saw me sleeping in they would look down on me. It’s selfish and lazy to stay in bed- there is a million and ten thoughts that distract from rest or ruin rest.
This leads to overworking ourselves with work, distract ourselves at home as we clean up after our kids and cook dinner for the family. Do the laundry and finally spend an hour before bed watching videos to “relax before bed”. But once our alarm rings at 6:30 we shed an exhaustion filled tear, thinking of doing it all again. Looking forward to the twenty minutes we kick up our feet at the end of the day just to do it all again.
So what do we do instead?

So once we face the facts that our current routine isn’t working, what do we do?
We re-strategize.
Statistics show spending an entire day to rest is better for us than these small little snippets of rest we try to provide for ourselves throughout the week. As a Christian especially, this is something we should be familiar with and implementing.
But it isn’t just the rest that counts it’s how we do it. Are we resting our body, our thoughts, our emotions, all of us? Our legalistic tendencies? Our workaholic nature? The task list creator in our head? The relational talker in our brains? The “remember when you embarrassed yourself in kindergarten…” voice. Even the perfectionist in us that wants to load the dishwasher and start laundry before we take a rest day.
Choosing to rest means choosing to allow every other day to accomplish, clean, work, stress- except for this one.
This is an alarm free, sweatpants wearing, take out day. The Lord rested to show us how important it is for us to rest. This means doing no extra effort. Sit in bed, read your Bible, watch your favorite cartoon! Allow the “I’m not gonna make it through the week” exhaustion to surface. Feel it and allow yourself to heal from it and rest to fill your tank back up. This shows us how in need we are as human beings, in need for something bigger. In need of Jesus. We are weak and He is strong. He intentionally wove rest into our needs and we are intentionally reminded of our weariness on other days to show us when we are weak, He is strong.
Though time seems little with the amount of things we so often have to do it’s important to make sure our schedules are open enough for rest, true and meaningful rest. This is why I have totally reworked my schedule this year. Burnout is not how you deserve to live.
This is what allows me to take intentional rest days, and I feel like a million dollars every time I get to. It’s important you do the same and starting now, work through your schedule to allow for this.
Below is a way to unlock a checklist of my favorite things to do, as well as some blank spaces for you to fill in with your favorite restful activities!
Thank you for reading and we hope you enjoyed! Have any comments or questions, comment them below!