As seasons change from Winter to Spring we hear of many people beginning their Spring cleaning routines. But, a trend I think we should start is seasonal cleaning! Spending time intentionally year round to clean, declutter and organize our homes in depth! That is what today’s post is all about, mixing it up to with decluttering for Fall.
Fall Cleaning | Autumn Organizing

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1.) Your Bedroom Closet
It is extremely important to constantly clear your closet of items that you don’t wear or that aren’t in good shape. We tend to over consume in this area more than others. Clothing is a great way we use to express ourselves, that is why it is so important to keep it full of clothing you love. Quality and love over mediocre quantity.
This is the time of year to assess if you have the clothes you need for the next season or two as it get colder in most areas. Checking too, to make sure last seasons clothes are in good shape and still fit.
This is the same time of year that I assess the organization of my closet and usually make a list of items to purchase for better organization and less clutter. Amazon has all the products I use. Hangers for pants, bins for the shelf, matching hanger sets, and cloth racks to hang in my closet for shoes. I don’t own a dresser and so maximizing my closet space with these products is key to leaving my room with less furniture like dressers. Click here to begin looking through the Amazon closet organization must haves.
I always donate my clothes and shoes to my local thrift stores!
2.) Armoires, Wardrobes, Dressers, Desks
You guys, I know it’s not just me, but what is up with the clutter that gets thrown into these furniture items. Pens that don’t work, broken pencils, jammed staplers. Missing receipts from 2009. Desks and furniture alike are the hardest to keep organized and clean in my family. Every time you declutter your home for Fall don’t skip out on this important suggestion.
I recommend getting organizers for these items as well. My pro tip for this is to actually search “dresser organizer” on Amazon to find cute options that will work for anything. You can find them here.
3.) Piling Paperwork
It is extremely necessary to keep certain paperwork but I often feel like we keep things that could be thrown away. Raid your home for old magazines, receipts you don’t need and more. I like to grab one plastic bag and bring it with me room to room. I always find at least one bag of useless papers I could have thrown out the day they showed up at my house. This is why we declutter more than once or twice a year! After decluttering I always organize in files! You come tax season will thank you now for doing this.
4.) Kitchen Cabinets
Next is those kitchen cabinets. Sometimes I think someone breaks into my house to simply put food in my cabinets food that my family doesn’t like. Croutons from 2015 always find their way into my cupboards. As well as crumbs and leaking food coloring from the cupcakes we made last Spring. Throw away the old food, donate canned goods. Toss the Tupperware that has no lid and the pans with crazy scratches. Purge your kitchen cupboards. Sell or give away the nice kitchen products you don’t use!
5.) The pantry, fridge, & freezer
Please do not sleep on these three spaces within your home. They can become some of the messiest spaces if we don’t declutter them often. Moldy cheese on the bottom drawer of the fridge or and open can of pop. Freezer burned pork chops. Stale cereal. All of these things need to find a new home (the trash). Declutter your home for Fall by doing this, but honestly doing this often is a must in general. But spending serious time doing this will show you the foods you need to eat sooner, which ones to donate, containers you don’t use anymore, and snacks to throw away.
I like to keep my pantry organized with clear containers. I write on a label what it is and when it expires so my pantry always stays organized. Click here for some examples.
6.) Play Room & Kids Toys
This is pretty self explanatory. All year kids are blessed with a million toys. Some that sound less like a monkey now and more like a broken garbage disposal. Those toys go, along with the stuffed animals they didn’t connect with, anything broken, outgrown, or anything that don’t catch the little one’s interest. Get a bug box or tub and invade the toy space. Get rid of the craziness in toy land and leave them with the toys that bring richness into their lives, easy cleaning, things they enjoy, and that fit their age group! I don’t have kids, but I taught them and vividly remember the mess this room makes.
7.) Bathroom Storage
Whatever it is, a bathroom cupboard, linen closet or set of cabinets: clean them out. I typically clean out by expiration date and use of the item. I hate wasting but if I can’t stand the smell of the lotion I will find someone else who likes it! Super simple! Garbage that gets lost in drawers go away as well.
That is my first seven go to places to declutter in the Fall! Let me know yours below! Subscribe for more content like this.