Months ago I got extremely sick which forced me to stop eating so many foods I enjoyed. I now see this as a major benefit. I can’t imagine thinking again “even though this hurts my tummy it can’t be that harmful for me”. I cried over what I felt like was missed opportunities over foods I wished I could eat. Some days it’s still sad but honestly, the more I go without the easier it gets. This also isn’t to say I never consume these items, in extremely rare occasions I do. But either way this is five foods to avoid!

5 Foods I Don’t Consume Anymore for Better Health
1.) Pop & Energy Drinks
This was unfortunate to me at the start and is honestly one of the items I miss the most, pop or carbonated drinks. I didn’t drink too many energy drinks before but there is no way I would consume one now. The sugars, the acidic levels, it’s a no from me. I mainly drink water now, with the occasional sweet tea!
2.) Pork
Secondly is pork, especially pork bacon. Another of the foods I avoid and this is for the high grease and fat content. Something I used to eat a lot but my body can’t take it anymore. This tells me that something doesn’t settle with my system, aka all the fat and grease! It’s delicious but simply not great for consumption. On occasion I will splurge in these items but bacon and pork is something I never want to reap the negative side affects of again.
3.) Sugary Candies
On occasion I do get sugar candies, mainly because I have to keep my blood sugar at a healthy amount, my body relies on a minor consumption of it. So I buy hard candies. This is the one I am most relaxed on but plan to get struct with again. My body hates sugar, digesting it is extremely painful and difficult for my tummy and lower abdomen. It makes me extremely sick. Which again, simply shows, how poor these foods are for us. The sugar and the acid, the bio-engineered products in them is crazy. I simply go for a small amount to suck on or I opt for fruits.
4.) Red Meats
This one is up there with pork. The only time I consume it is in small amounts in processed meats. Like on a sandwich for example. I have not eaten a taco, hamburger, steak, or anything alike for so long. Instead I consume fish I catch, seafood, and chicken. Along with that occasional sandwich. The fat content in red meat is usually high and even if it isn’t it simply isn’t easy for most people to process.
5.) Chocolates
That is right, I have taken all the good food out of my diet. This is because of health issues but I feel so much better when I don’t anyways. Chocolate is another one I have on occasion always regret. It is on my list of foods to avoid because of the milk content as well as the acidic nature of chocolate. It can make you feel really sick and crummy after consuming it, and the majority of chocolates are not good for you anymore, anyways.
I just have to add one more, and that would be pastries and baked goods! Most are overly processed and super sugary! They also don’t sit well with me! I stay away and wonder if more of us should!
Now that would be my list of foods to avoid, plus one bonus! There is a million more I could have added. Like fast foods and drinks with caffeine or most dairy products! Having health issues is crazy, but it does teach you a lot about the quality of the food you put in your body!
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